About Us
Started in 2016 , Peacemaker 360 was founded by Christian Cirhigiri, a peace activist from the Democratic Republic of Congo. The campaign is a result of years of commitment to promoting youth participation in peacebuilding processes in his home country and his work around the world. As part of his master’s thesis research, Christian explored the roles played by young activists in eastern Congo, Burundi and Sri Lanka in promoting ethnic reconciliation in their communities. One of the key findings of this research was the lack of visibility in both mainstream and social media of the incredible works and life stories of young peacebuilders around the world. This realization encouraged Christian to build an online platform to tell young peacebuilders’ stories and build a supportive global community for peacebuilding professionals to inspire each other and share useful knowledge and resources with each other. This was the beginning of an exciting Peacemaker 360 life!. Out team continues to grow and our work even more needed around the world. Kindly, consider supporting our cause by connecting us with activists in your community or by donating any amount to help us reach more young peacebuilders through our joint efforts. To learn more about the campaign write to [email protected] or visit our Facebook page.
Founder, Christian Cito Cirhigiri
is a Congolese peace activist with eight years supporting youth participation in peacebuilding processes in eastern Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi. Christian is passionate about mass communications and the role of social media to foster knowledge and experience sharing among peacebuilding professionals around the world.
Senior Advisor, Daniel Rivkin
is an international media executive, who has worked in some 70 countries as a journalist, producer, bureau chief, and global product manager for Reuters, and then as a general manager and corporate communications consultant for governments and some of the world’s largest companies, NGOs and international agencies.
Editor, Maija Jespersen
is a writer and researcher focused on normative violence and positive peace. Her publications include, “Men are not Yang and Women are not Yin: Gender Construction in the Tao Te Ching and I Ching” and, “The Goddess-Worshipping Age: Feminist Egalitarianism in Prehistory and Early History,” in Feminism and Religion: How Faiths View Women and Their Rights (2016);
Jessica Kastoun is an Australian -Lebanese lawyer and mediator who is passionate to promote human rights everywhere. Jessica is keen on supporting the rights of marginalized individuals and communities.
Sinthya Rubio Escolar, Truth, Justice, and Reparations Advisor
She is Colombian and holds a BA in International Relations, an LLM, and a Ph.D. in Human Rights. With more than 17 years of experience, she has been a National Coordinator for the Reparations Process for Children and Youth in Colombia, Advisor of the Ombudsman Office and IOM during the Colombian Government–FARC-EP Peace Negotiations, Expert Advisor for the Colombian Truth Commission, Senior Reparations Expert for Justice Rapid Response, and the Interamerican Commission on Human Rights, among others. She has worked in Colombia, India, Peru, Guatemala, and Bolivia.